The Maple Terrace Motel is terrific – many thanks to our dear friend Carolyn for the tip.
Woke to another cool gray day. A steady rain is falling but it is certainly not going to stop us.
Drove into North Adams, Mass., to the Mass MOCA (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art) perfect choice on a dreary drizzly day.
Enjoyed breakfast at the Museum’s Lickety-Split Café, then toured the large facility. Leonard Nimoy has an exhibit of photographs here and there is an exhibit by Sol Lewitt. Modern art still puzzles me but the museum’s architecture and exhibits make it a must-see.
The rain, quite heavy at times, put a literal damper on any outdoor activities we had planned, so we jumped in the car and headed south down Rt. 7 to Stockbridge, Mass., where we spent a wonderful hour or so at the Norman Rockwell Museum, another must-see. We could have spent many hours there wandering amongst these incredible treasures, and his immaculate studio, but evening was setting in.
So we continued south to the Guthrie Center, located in an old wooden church south of Stockbridge, but alas, it was closed. Catch you next time, Arlo.
So back on Rt. 7 north we go, through heavy rain until we arrived at Mezze Bistro and Bar, where we had the most memorable dinner of this journey thus far. The scallops, tile fish, beans, arugula, olives, almonds, wine and desert were out of this world, and we give Mezze our highest recommendations.
Back at the Maple Terrace Motel, we prepared for tomorrow’s drive across Massachusetts and into northern Connecticut to visit Bruce Fink, artist and friend. By 9 pm we were sound asleep after another magic (albeit wet) New England adventure.